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]]>The Practice Analysis Committee (PAC) members, as well as members of the Continuing Education Committee and the Executive Board of Directors, reiterate the fact that the process belongs to “all of us.” Our CBMT volunteers share the importance of universal participation below. Read more about the process.
“My experience on this committee was pleasant and informative. I feel that all the participating members, as board-certified music therapists, had a wealth of knowledge and experience; to be able to work together and collaborate on ways to keep the profession moving forward and recognized was crucial. It was an honor to contribute my expertise and experience as a clinician amongst other clinicians and educators to ensure that a music therapist’s tasks within the scope of practice were valid and relevant.
I initially decided to volunteer to gain a better perspective of music therapists as a whole within the field. What I didn’t know is that I gained a lot more about our role as music therapists in the community, schools, organizations, and clinical settings. The excitement of those I collaborated with contributed to my own willingness to volunteer and help any way I could.
The music therapy community is small but mighty. One music therapist’s experience does not summarize or replace another’s experience. In order to keep the profession moving forward requires the input of every music therapist possible.
Because we work with a multitude of populations, the experience and input from the surveys are so important to make sure the services we provide are clinical.
The more people participate, the more diverse the input, thus having a stronger representative of the communities we serve as music therapists. The more input provided will help serve other music therapists as well.” – Gloria Blankenship, MM, MT-BC, LPMT, NICU-MT, Music Therapist, Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, Kennesaw GA
“The Practice Analysis Committee work has been the ultimate collaborative experience. We are all music therapists, but we have various roles as practitioners, educators, and scholars, endeavoring to take a thoughtful inventory of the music therapy knowledge needed to practice in the past, the present, and the future.
It’s exciting to focus on music therapy’s uniqueness and the knowledge music therapists need to be successful in their practice and accountable to their clients.
Our profession is not one size fits all, and identifying the core responsibilities of an entry-level music therapist presents many challenges. The Practice Analysis committee has worked thoughtfully to hone in on what is essential to music therapy practice for certification exam candidates. Your survey responses will bring to light the most crucial knowledge required to be a credentialed music therapist.
Our music therapy community is inquisitive, and we frequently receive survey invitations from our peers. Your responses to this survey will shape the target areas tested in future music therapy certification exams. Your response directly impacts what new music therapists will be asked to show knowledge on in future music therapy certification exams.
The committee cannot do this work in isolation. Your responses will give the committee a clear focus to align the exam with current music therapy practice.” – Beth Collier, MBA, LPMT, MT-BC, Music Specialist, A.G. Rhodes, Atlanta, GA
“This is the second time I have served on this CBMT committee, and both experiences have been highly positive, and the process has evolved since I last served in 2008. This committee has worked well together, having productive and respectful discussions when perspectives differed in how practices differed among the group.
I believe it is necessary to give back to the profession and the community at large through service. I have been active in service to the music therapy profession for over 20 years and value the broader perspective I gain about the profession and the professional relationships that are built. I am excited about the work we have done that builds upon the previous PAC committee’s work for the profession to continue moving forward and to provide future candidates with materials that support their preparation for the exam.
Please complete the PAC Survey as we need/want the larger community perspective on the knowledge needed for entry-level practice. The committee has worked hard to keep the user demographic (entry-level professional) in mind as we worked and need your feedback to further refine the content outline. I recognize that everyone gets a lot of survey requests. This particular request only happens once every five years. Please support the profession and our future colleagues by completing it.
It takes all of us working together to promote the profession and the MT-BC credential.” – Jennifer Fiore, PhD, MT-BC, NMT, Associate Professor and Director of Music Therapy, Western Michigan University, Irving S. Gilmore School of Music, Kalamazoo, MI
“My experience as a volunteer on the CBMT Practice Analysis committee allowed me to meet and interact with Music Therapists working in different areas as well as professors of music therapy. These interactions were encouraging as well as enlightening as we discussed the actual tasks of music therapists.
I decided to volunteer for the Practice Analysis committee as many of the issues facing the profession of music therapy have been addressed for many years, some with resolution and others continuing to evolve. I have worked as a music therapist for 40 years, so I want to contribute my knowledge and experience for the process of board certification.
I am encouraging all Board-Certified Music Therapists to complete the survey to ensure the high standards and reality of our practice in the health care field are verified.
Our MT-BC credential requires a high level of standards of practice and needs to be distinguishable. We need to continue to elevate our profession to a higher level where reimbursement is not even questioned.” – Amy Post Formella, MS, MT-BC, Music Therapist, King, WI
“I volunteered for CBMT service because this organization represents music therapists – all of us, in every area of clinical practice. I am excited to learn more about CBMT in this important year when the Scope of Practice is updated by surveying the community.
We get a lot of surveys these days! But this is no run-of-the-mill survey. The Practice Analysis Survey is an essential tool for music therapists to continue to define our professional practice. Please, stop, click, and complete the survey.
We are making strides in our state recognition efforts. Advocacy is a marathon, and we are still running. The MT-BC credential is the foundation of our professional recognition. Your support of the MT-BC credential ensures safe, effective music therapy for the public.” – Jennifer D. Jones, PhD, MT-BC, Professor of Music and Director of Music Therapy, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
“Giving back to the profession that I care about so deeply has been an honor that I haven’t taken lightly. Over the past 5½ years and through two committees, I have worked with music therapists who come from different regions, theoretical orientations, and educational backgrounds. We all share the same desire to be of service to our profession and this has truly led to incredibly impactful and meaningful changes.
Several friends/colleagues had mentioned to me, over many years, that they felt I could truly be of service to CBMT, especially given my longtime and varied clinical experience, as well as my love of helping new music therapists. Simultaneously, as my interns completed their time with me, they would reach out with their board certification exam experiences; both good and not so good. Throughout those conversations, they also encouraged me to think about joining a committee at CBMT so that I could be an advocate for keeping the exam updated and relevant.
When I was offered a position on the exam committee 5½ years ago, I was honored to give back to my profession in this unique way. My experience at CBMT has been remarkably gratifying; both in the changes we’ve made over the years and in working so closely with the other committee members.
It is imperative that each music therapist give their feedback in this survey. Much like voting, one can only impact change by taking an active role in the process. The only way we can make the changes that are truly desired by our professionals, is by knowing exactly what is needed, and we can’t do that without everyone’s input.
The value of having a board-certified music therapist lies in the assurance that this person, the person you are entrusting with the wellbeing of your loved one, is an educated professional, practicing with the highest regard for safety, excellence, and accountability.
The only way to ensure this is that the profession of music therapy maintains credentialing standards that reflect current, evidenced based research, (in a multitude of areas and practices) as well as establishing the highest accountability for excellence in clinical practice as possible. We need the help of every board-certified music therapist out there to maintain these standards of excellence! – Laura Lenz, LPMT, MT-BC, Community Therapeutic Programming Manager, Third Ladder, Alpharetta, GA
“Serving on the Practice Analysis Committee has been an amazing experience in so many ways. It’s truly an honor to be working alongside a dedicated group of colleagues from across the country who care deeply about the music therapy profession, led by a skilled psychometrician from PSI Services! Everyone is given an opportunity to contribute. All opinions are valued, and group consensus is achieved admirably, as a result!
I have long been interested in serving on the Practice Analysis Committee. This work is certainly among the most important and impactful tasks that the Certification Board for Music Therapists is charged with. The entire process is fascinating!
Please know that completing the Practice Analysis Survey when it reaches your email box will make a difference. The findings, which YOU will have contributed to, will be reflective of the changes and developments in our field over the past five years. From this information, our Board Certification Domains will be re-developed. CBMT must have a full and complete picture of the job of a music therapist at this point in time. We need your voice!” – Lori Lundeen-Smith, MS, CCC-SLP, LPMT, MT-BC, Associate Professor of Practice, Director of Clinical Education, Department of Music Therapy, College of Health, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
“Be empowered to advance the music therapy profession and ensure your experience is reflected in the Practice Analysis. In this grassroots effort, your voice influences the evolution of the Board Certification Domains and has a ripple effect on the design of continuing education opportunities and state of the profession for years to come. That is survey time well-spent.” – Alaine E. Reschke-Hernández, PhD, MT-BC, Assistant Professor of Music Therapy, Affiliate Faculty Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, IMPACT-AD Fellow Alumna, Interdisciplinary Music Affect and coGNition (IMAGN) Lab Director, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
“Through the Practice Analysis, each and every one of us may have an opportunity to contribute to the certification/continuing education for music therapists. This is the time for us to take responsibility to move our profession forward.” – Hong-Yu (Joseph) Chang, MME, MT-BC, Continuing Education Committee Member
“We need every board-certified music therapist to participate in this very important process by taking the time to thoroughly and conscientiously complete the survey. The collective information gathered from all music therapists best represents current practices across regions, clinical areas, and philosophical backgrounds.” – Andrea Crimmins, PhD, MT-BC, Chair, CBMT Board of Directors, Associate Professor of Music Therapy, Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts, Illinois State University, Normal, IL
“As the field of music therapy continues to morph, it is essential that these competencies are accurately reflected in the Board Certification Domains. As practitioners, YOU are the voice of your profession. The Practice Analysis Committee, in conjunction with PSI, has developed a new Practice Analysis Survey where each of you have the opportunity to identify your actual on-the-job requirements. These domains, in turn, drive the Examination content.
I started volunteering with CBMT in 2007 after I realized the extent to which CBMT protected the patrons, and profession, of music therapy. Staff actively supported me in educating the community about what music therapy REALLY is, and the competencies required to administer such a service, when compared to those professionals without the MT-BC accreditation.
By completing the survey, you are a contributing factor in determining the proficiency of Board-Certified Music Therapists, thereby promoting a better understanding of our craft. Your voice will ensure MT-BC accreditation holds the highest standard of practice thereby protecting the consumer.” – Sarah Laing MMEd, MT-BC, Practice Analysis Committee Chair, Music Therapist, Clinician, Educator and Independent Contractor, Tucson, AZ
Click here for the complete list of Practice Analysis Committee Members.
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]]>The post For Convenience & Safety, Music Therapists Indicate Telepractice is Here to Stay appeared first on CBMT.
]]>Now, as the health crisis shows signs of waning, many people have found they prefer to stick with the new normal in health services delivery. Telepractice has become a well-established option to meet the needs of clients who do not have easy access to music therapy services, who have issues with transportation, or who simply prefer the convenience and comfort of appointments in a home environment.
In a national survey of board-certified music therapists – designed to uncover their solutions for engaging clients and keeping the standard of care high throughout COVID-19 – the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) and the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) found that adopting telepractice was key. The following five survey categories highlight how telepractice has helped reshape the delivery of music therapy and diversify service options, during the pandemic and beyond:
Despite the need for distancing and working remotely, music therapists reported increased collaboration with colleagues and administrators, often coordinating with them to determine the safest and most effective ways to provide services. Although music therapists did not commonly work virtually with clients before the pandemic began, the industry moved quickly to facilitate a shift to telepractice when in-person visits became limited.
One survey respondent commented: “When I reached out to the special education department for permission to provide teletherapy services, I was encouraged to hear that I had their full support to serve students in whatever capacity necessary.”
The increased use of telepractice allowed family members to become more involved and engaged as they saw firsthand what is involved in music therapy and how their loved one was responding. As a result, the entire family could benefit from the enhanced opportunities to connect among themselves, further develop their understanding of music therapy, and work together on goals.
Even families who initially declined to participate in telepractice reconsidered for the following reasons:
Some clients showed a higher comfort level and found they could be more open in the virtual setting. As one survey respondent said: “I saw students engage with me, their peers, and parents/caregivers in new ways that I had not seen in the classroom.”
Telepractice provided additional flexibility for clients to communicate with music therapists and receive access to services and education when and where it was most convenient. Some sessions involved one-on-one communication for immediate feedback, while others included pre-recorded material that was available at the client’s discretion.
Survey respondents indicated they provided services in the following ways during the pandemic:
As one respondent commented: “Telepractice sessions have been extremely effective, and I really hope I can continue offering music therapy services in this fashion.”
Although they acknowledged the difficulties of offering clinical services during a pandemic, many music therapists appreciated the opportunities provided by telepractice to enhance their skills, work with more clients, and establish new relationships. Often, they felt more gratified personally and professionally.
According to one respondent: “I have grown tremendously in a lot of areas, not to mention flexibility. I am more confident in my skills of teletherapy, and I am able to reach people across the country … I have good relationships with many new colleagues.”
Music therapists also pointed out the resiliency of clients and families who made the transition to telepractice services, commenting on the new capabilities they saw in their clients as they worked together in a virtual space.
The pandemic forced music therapists to think more innovatively about the safe delivery of clinical services. Almost two-thirds of respondents (61.9%) said telepractice helped them meet this need and adapt their treatment to make progress more attainable for their clients.
Many music therapists also cited the changes they made in their service delivery as a catalyst for added creativity in other areas of their lives, opening them up to new ways of thinking and seeing everything through a new lens. In the words of one survey participant, “Change forces me to see things differently, which has generated increased creativity as well. I play more for myself now. I wrote a song … I am so very grateful for my work and the ability to keep going during the pandemic!”
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]]>The post West Virginia appeared first on CBMT.
]]>Recognized? No
Recognition Status:
Active Task Force? Yes
Year Started: 2013
Task Force Status: Completed state music therapy survey, distributed state music therapy brochure, sent letters to state legislators, and held advocacy trainings. Attempted to be added to WV Medicaid I/DD Waiver in summer 2015 when it was up for 5-year revisions but was denied inclusion. Completed Sunrise Review application and submitted to the state in July 2016. Currently waiting for feedback on the Sunrise Review application and considering scheduling a Hill Day.
Task Force Contact Name: Nancy Marmorella
Task Force Contact Email:
Task Force Members: Emily Crabtree, Karla Holsclaw, Nancy Marmorella, Patricia Smith, Lauren Starkey
Task Force Facebook:
State Association:
State Association Facebook:
Regional Association:
State Legislative Activity:
Below you will find a link to an online report with information about state-level bills that include the keyword “music therapy.” There may or may not be a bill for your state. Some bills may have a direct impact on the profession (e.g. music therapy licensure legislation) while others may not (e.g. music therapy is included in a pre-existing list of healthcare providers).
Information is provided by Fiscal Note, a subscription service that allows CBMT to follow state and federal legislative and regulatory developments. This resource is provided for informational purposes to help you stay informed on legislative and policy issues impacting music therapy practice. Please contact your task force chair with questions and before taking any action.
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